How technology is changing the way we treat technical hiring

Technology has laid its leg in almost all aspects of today’s world; recruitment and hiring are no exceptions.

How technology is changing the way we treat technical hiring

Technology has laid its leg in almost all aspects of today’s world; recruitment and hiring are no exceptions. While we look a few years back, things were quite different than they are right now. Recruiting and hiring process is one of those professional aspects that has changed over the years.

The technical hiring process today comprises of

  • Skill tests
  • Sourcing candidates and data
  • Assessing candidates
  • Tracking candidates and on-boarding
  • Attracting candidates

While this was not the trend a decade ago, it is now something that every company follows while hiring the best candidate. This shows that technology is playing an important role in evolving the recruiting process. Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two of the main subjects that contribute to today’s vast technology.

This article will acknowledge some of the changes that technology has brought with it in hiring a coder.

Changes In Technical Hiring Due To Technology

Mode Of Interview

Earlier, the interviews were taken in the office boardroom, and today, you either take it on a phone call or a video meeting. This gives a benefit to interviewers to take the interview from anywhere.

Companies are now able to elongate their hands-on talent from anywhere in the world. This mode of an interview can save your time and effort. It results in better interviews and greater exposure to tech talent.


Technology has enabled us to find the best talents from any corner of the world. It is now simple for the hiring team to search and hire tech talent from anywhere in the world. It is often seen that you can find the talent you do not find locally from different places. Online job searching and online interviews are the leading players of this technology game.

Being a recruiter, you can rest assured about finding talent that matches your requirement. These technologies have made it simpler and better to search for techies anywhere.

Decreased Recruitment Bias

The traditional recruitment process sometimes encouraged unconscious recruitment bias. This could be anything like gender bias, age bias, etc. Studies show that even job ads are likely to promote recruitment bias knowingly or unknowingly.

But after technology came into frame, there is less or zero chance of partiality. The candidate is selected purely based on requirements and skills. AI screens candidates without bias. These smart systems focus on a few needs such as experience, knowledge, and qualifications to choose one of the best developers among all. Thus, it reduces discrimination and encourages exposure to pure talents. No other bias comes into play while companies decide to hire techies via a modern way of recruiting.

You Can Save Time Working On Data

As technology has evolved, many companies changed the way they deal with data. Many analytics programs and AI have made it possible to sort out some of the best candidate resumes and only go through them. Redundant and misfit resumes are eliminated, saving recruiters’ time. Only the qualified techie will make his/her way through this process, and hence, you can invest your time and resources in something else.

Faster Response Time

Responding to every candidate was not possible in earlier times. Automation has made it easier and faster for you to respond to the candidates. As soon as their application is chosen, you can respond to the candidate and fasten the process of hiring.

Automated responses are those that go to the candidate’s mailbox telling them about their status. This technique is of great help for companies that get hundreds of applications.

Judge Candidates Beyond Resumes

Resumes were the only main thing that was looked upon in older days. But with advanced technology and the need for highly skilled candidates, just looking at a resume is not enough.

It is vital to check the candidate’s GitHub account or projects he/she has worked on to get a better understanding of their skills and knowledge. Thus, you can determine if the applicant is perfect for your organizational needs.

The points mentioned above clearly states the role of technology and its advancements in the hiring process. While Artificial Intelligence enables the recruiters to filter resumes and screen candidates, video interviewing tools have made the interview process straightforward. Several online coding interview tools help the recruiters organize an applicant’s assessment, wherein test their practical knowledge.

Social media platforms like LinkedIn have emerged to be a good profile builder for candidates. At the same time, it becomes convenient for recruiters to run through the candidate’s LinkedIn profile and get an overview of his career and skills.

Final Word

Almost all organizations rely on the latest trends and technologies while looking for a perfect fit for their team. When certain companies follow the traditional way of recruiting, they lag behind the race and often hire the wrong candidate. So, it is recommended to go with the technology and use it for the recruitment process.

It is said that humans can make a mistake, but the machine does not. Thus, these smart systems are completely reliable. No doubt technology has changed the technical hiring process for good. Companies can now rest assured of getting a good fit for themselves.

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